
My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Location Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Introduction Address: No.33(old No.12), Le Van Ninh St., Thu Duc District, Ho Chi Minh City (Opening hours: 06 p.m – 09p.m, Tuesday to Sunday) _ You can buy products directly at the above address or if you choose to purchase on the website, please transfer the product's cost into our account. After receiving we will send products to you via express delivery services (Shipping cost please send to express delivery services). _Account information: Joint Stock Commercial Bank For Foreign Trade Of Vietnam (Vietcombank) - Account No. : 0071003166775 (Account holder: Le Thi Hien) or DongA Bank - Account No. : 0101204391(Account holder : Pham Thi Thuy Lan). _ If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us or send an e-mail, we’ll reply to you as soon as possible, within 24 hours. Mail: leena_shopping@yahoo.com. Skype : leenashopping. HP : 0937.933.227 - 0907.978.971. Web: www.leenashopping.blogspot.com - http://enbac.com/leena_shopping
Interests Travelling, reading, shopping, eating, sleeping