
My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Female
Industry Education
Occupation Happily Retired
Location Southern California, United States
Introduction After spending most of my life in schools (first as serious student then dedicated teacher) doing my best to make a positive difference in the world, an unexpected "Golden Handshake" and significant changes in "regulations" allowed me to retire much earlier than expected. Since then, I've chosen to slow down and rediscover playful & creative exploration of what is and what might be, if only. Always an avid reader, I've filled many journals "processing" life's encounters to gain some perspective. These Blogs are experiments with sharing ... finally. I live a block and a half from the Pacific Ocean in Southern California with my five-year old Labrador Retriever (Molly) who reminds me to play often and take long walks. The feral cat a friend "adopted" on my behalf several years ago also shares my life. Both keep me company as I garden daily. I post regularly at Small Reflections and Sacred Ruminations ... occasionally at BlogRolls, Bling&Blurbs. I do post often at Happily Retired Gal on WordPress. You can click on My Web Page at the left to get there.
Interests creativity, mindful living, spirituality, writing, journaling, reading, listening, speaking, laughing, learning, being present, walking, observing the ocean, dogs, cats, gardening, self-discovery and personal growth, sacred explorations, playful discoveries
Favorite Movies Defending Your Life, Field of Dreams, Grand Canyon, Groundhog Day, When Harry Met Sally, Fried Green Tomatoes, Sleepless in Seattle
Favorite Music James Taylor, the Eagles, Barbra Streisand, Andrea Bocelli, In Search of Angels, Bobby McFerrin, Sarah McLachlan, John Denver
Favorite Books The Precious Present, The Four Agreements, Harry Potter, The Hobbit and Tolkien's Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Julia Cameron's Walking in the World and Transitions, Conversations with God, The Seat of the Soul, A Course in Miracles, anything by Madeline L'Engle, CS Lewis, Carl Hiaasen, Dean Koontz, Diana Galbadon, Beth Gutcheon, Anne Wilson Schaef, Barbara Sher, Joan Borysenko, I could go on indefinitely so I'll stop here for now

You get to ride the big roller coaster three times in a row. What will keep your dad from taking a bite out of your candy apple?

He's brushed his teeth already and says he doesn't want have to brush them again.