Kath and Steve

About me

Introduction Well Steven and I met online on famous ldschat.com when we were both 16! Long story short, we chatted for a year and a few months before we met in person. When we did finally meet in 8/04 we were pretty much inseparable until 10/05 when he went on his mission. I took a trip to England for Christmas 12/04 and met his wonderful fam which sealed the deal for me. I then faithfully wrote him every week for the 2 years while he faithfully served the Lord in Albania. He arrived home to find me still single (to his surprise and delight!) We were engaged within a week of being reunited. A short 6 weeks after that, we were married in December 2007 in the St. George temple. I quit teaching at Christmas and followed my new hubby back to BYU-Idaho where he attended 2 years of school. During that time I gave birth to our little son Kyle. We love him so much and have a hard time imagining our life before him. After graduating in July 2010 we moved to Portland, Oregon for Steven to start his PhD in medical informatics (i.e. using technology in the medical field). The night before Thanksgiving 2010 Karissa joined our family and we are loving our family of 4!
Interests Steven and I love to go bowling, making and eating cheesecake, going on long romantic walks, and talking about the good ol days. Plus we like to attack each other just for fun.