Jemima Lumley Jewellery

About me

Introduction Seven years ago I was a freelance graphic designer, toiling away in my spare room designing children's books about diggers and fire engines. One day an advert in the local freebie paper caught my eye about a half-day a week course in silversmithing. A year later, I was a fully fledged metal addict and signed up for a one-day a week course. There are masses of things that influence my work - from the daisy chains my daughter used to make, wild roses growing in my mother's garden and the birds on the bird feeder. I also love (and occasionally stalk) Rob Ryan, Tord Bootnje, Radcliffe and Maconie (I try to get mention at least once a week!), and the patterns of Japanese fabric and William Morris. All my work is handmade from start to finish by me in my garden workshop in Bristol. Each piece is unique, made to order, and many pieces are made using lace and other textured material to imprint a surface pattern on the sterling silver before I begin to work with it. This means that even when a piece is made many times, the pattern on the individual elements will always vary.