
My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Female
Occupation Domestic Diva!
Location Eastern, NC, United States
Introduction Hi! I'm Jenn! And the pic above is a 'self-portrait' of what my 3-year-old daughter thinks I look like! (Ain't she a doll?!?!) I am an incredibly blessed stay-at-home wife and mom of 4 amazing crumb crunchers! I love slightly inappropriate humor, the occasional girly drink, and stalking foodie blogs. I enjoy starting new DIY projects but rarely relish finishing them... I started this blog to document our successes (and slip-ups) as we begin our journey of living with LESS in an effort to get MORE out of life! Here you'll get to see, laid bare, everything we tackle on said journey (even if it fizzles) and all the funny crap that happens to us along the way.
Interests Family (I spend as much time as I can with them), teaching (I homeschool and love every minute of it), GOD (He is integral to our lives and we instill His values in our kids daily), gardening (sooo rewarding!), reading, cooking (I am such a foodie!), travel (I am a gypsy at heart) and the occasional guilty pleasure of reality t.v.!
Favorite Movies I'm a bit of a movie snob and there are very few that I will watch more than once- and those that I do go just to show exactly how eclectic my taste is!. Let's see: Independence Day, Night at the Museum, the Wedding Singer, Dodgeball, 50 First Date, The Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, the whole Revenge of the Nerds series, Twister, 2012, and so many more I can't even think of right now. I love movies simply for their sheer entertainment value- I'm not looking to have to use too much brain power!
Favorite Music Again, I have such a varied taste- I'll do some country, love classic rock, dig my kid's pop music (to a point), love Weird Al type parodies, will even tolerate some rap. My radio stays tuned to a station that basically plays a generational mix of all of those- so it's never boring!
Favorite Books I love anything by Clive Cussler, James Rollins, Andy McDermott, Stephen King (well, his earlier stuff at any rate), and Dean Koontz. I enjoy mysteries, religious whodunits, books dealing with tracking down mysterious artifacts that could trigger a cataclysmic end of mankind, etc. I can't stomach Danielle Steele, Harlequin romance, or any of that jazz... too blase!

You're wearing a sweater that stretches down to your feet. What color belt do you put on?

Not sure a belt would help! Considering how cool I like to keep my house in winter, I'd probably just use the sweater as a toasty nightgown and cuddle up for bed instead!