Joana Cafeína

About me

Gender Female
Industry Arts
Occupation Estudante de Estudos Artísticos
Location Coimbra, Portugal
Introduction ...
Interests writing, reading, music, blues, video art, photography, history of art & design, psychology, Feminism, vegetarianism, philosophy, origami, cats, filming, editing, tea, dark chocolate, mint, poetry, black, music videos, Japanese art and culture, comic books, soundtracks, film noir, puppets, sound, London, animation, vintage, apple & cinnamon, documentaries, Nonsense, dance, comedy, short films, Portuguese cinema, radio drama, brain teasers, contemporary art, traveling, short stories, coffee, fashion, orchids, bonsai, languages, words, books, knowledge, pasta, shoes, paranormal, history, people, riddles, ambiguities, diversity, different cultures, the night, the sea, a smile, acting, day dreaming, sleeping, laughing, observing, listening, investigating, trying to sing, go out, go for a walk, talks that last all night till daylight, falling in love, be open minded, get rid of my prejudices and resistances, understanding, evolving, learning, spread my horizons and my human conscience, but above all to live and to die.
Favorite Movies A Woman Under The Influence (John Cassavetes), Opening Night (John Cassavetes), Persona (Ingmar Bergman), Saraband (Ingmar Bergman), Zerkalo (Andrei Tarkovsky), Stalker (Andrei Tarkovsky), Freaks (Tod Browning), Naked (Mike Leigh), Mouchette (Robert Bresson), Casa de Lava (Pedro Costa), Juventude em Marcha (Pedro Costa), Inland Empire (David Lynch), Eraserhead (David Lynch), Ladri di Biciclette (Vittorio De Sica), La Jetée (Chris Marker), Hiroshima mon amour (Alain Resnais), L'année dernière à Marienbad (Alain Resnais), Blow-Up (Michelangelo Antonioni), Je vous salue Sarajevo (Jean-Luc Godard), Bande à part (Jean-Luc Godard), Aquele Querido Mês de Agosto (Miguel Gomes), Rebel Without a Cause (Nicholas Ray), In a Lonely Place (Nicholas Ray), Skin (Vincent O'Connell e argumento de Sarah Kane), Trois couleurs: Bleu (Krzysztof Kieslowski), At Land (Maya Deren), Meshes of the Afternoon (Maya Deren), Nosferatu eine Symphonie des Grauens (F.W. Murnau), Metropolis (Fritz Lang), Mon Oncle (Jacques Tati), Nuovo Cinema Paradiso (Giuseppe Tornatore), La Strada (Federico Fellini), City Lights (Charlie Chaplin), A Night at the Opera (Sam Wood), Delicatessen (Marc Caro e Jean-Pierre Jeunet), Nightwatching (Peter Greenaway)
Favorite Music Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster, Keith Jarrett, The Clash, The Cramps, The Smiths, Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Imelda May, Godzilla Black, Gun Club, Jeff Buckley, Pj Harvey, Gene Vincent, Chet Baker, a-Jigsaw, Nina Simone, Wanda Jackson, Muddy Waters, The Birthday Party, Bad For Lazarus, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Tédio Boys, Vile Imbeciles, Melvins, Squirrel Nut Zippers, Black Diamond Heavies, Fugazi, The BellRays, Miles Davis, The Velvet Underground, R. L. Burnsite, Johnny Cash, Dizzie Gillespie, Chuck Berry, Bessie Smith, Jerry Lee Lewis, Charlie Parker, Jacques Brel, 13th Floor Elevators, The Cure, Captain Beefheart, Johnny Flynn, James, Lhasa de Sela, The White Stripes, Beethoven, John Lee Hooker, Patrick Watson, Robert Johnson, Peter Broderick, The Kills, Bach, Nick Cave, Jacqueline du Pré, Sonic Youth, Ornette Coleman, Bob Marley, Marc Ribot, Satie, M. Ward, Iggy Pop, Lightning Bolt, Radiohead, Chopin, Yann Tiersen, Jimi Hendrix, Hauschka, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, May Blitz, The Mighty Boosh, Sigur Rós, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, The Stooges, Tom Waits, Ola Podrida, Patti Smith, Blonde Redhead, Metallica, Debussy, The Rolling Stones, Django Reinhardt, Black Sabbath, Cradle of Filth, Odetta, Etta James, Bob Dylan, Two Banks of Four, TMN, The Specials, Led Zeppelin, The Doors, Janis Joplin, Au Pairs, Ramones, The Parkinsons, Rage Against the Machine, Van Morrison, Nick Drake, Bonnie Prince Billy, Joy Division, Bat for Lashes, etc
Favorite Books À Espera de Godot (Samuel Beckett), The Complete Poems and Plays of T. S. Eliot (T. S. Eliot), O que é um Autor? (Michel Foucault), On the Road (Jack Kerouac), Os contos de Edgar Allan Poe, The Raven (Edgar Allan Poe), O Jogador (Fiodor Dostoievski), Saved (Edward Bond), O Papalagui (Tuiavii de Tiávea), A Câmara Clara (Roland Barthes), A Intrusa (Maeterlinck), Os poemas de Sylvia Plath, Teatro Completo (Sarah Kane), Afabulação (Pier Paolo Pasolini), A Excepção e a Regra (Bertold Brecht), O Círculo de Giz Caucasiano (Bertolt Brecht), Against Interpretation and Other Essays (Susan Sontag), Para um Teatro Pobre (Grotowski), O Espaço Vazio (Peter Brook), Les Fleurs du Mal (Baudelaire), Le Spleen de Paris (Baudelaire), A Missão e Outras Peças (Heiner Müller), As Lágrimas Amargas de Petra von Kant (Fassbinder), Na Solidão dos Campos de Algodão (Koltès), Pantagruel (Rabelais), A Gaivota (Anton Tchékhov), Lolita (Nabokov), La Cantatrice Chauve (Ionesco), Teatro e o seu duplo (Antonin Artaud), Sin noticias de Gurb (Eduardo Mendonza)