Saffia Widdershins
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Black Rose's Diary of Misdeeds
- Crottin de Chavignol
- delete delete delete delete
- Harlow's Ruminations
- Journal of Miss H Primm
- Persephone's Journal
- The Coils of the Copperhead
- The diary of Frankie Hindenburg
- the Life and Adventures of Ralph Montcalm
- The Lion and the Rose
- The Personal Journal of Miss Annabella Scott
- The Primgraph
- The Quest for the Golden Prim
- Wandering Madman
- Wild Words
Introduction | SL Avatar Name: Saffia Widdershins Websites: and SL Job Title: CEO Prim Perfect Productions SL Job Description: Editor and Publisher of Prim Perfect, Executive Producer and Presenter of Meta Makeover, Publisher of The Primgraph, CEO of Oxmust (an organisation that helps UK charities learn about and establish a presence in SL) |