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About me

Gender Female
Industry Student
Location Spokane, Washington, United States
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Introduction Norwegian, Home schooled, cat loving conservative with no social life, I think that about sums it up. Okay that's not true, I have a social life. It's comprised of the strongest set of friends you'll ever meet, and my fiance; who is, in so very many ways, the best...meaning I'm getting married to the best...yep, no words, just "wow" feelings My dad, mom, and sister are among my most loyal fans/critics. So yeah, a small, but totally dependable social's all good.
Interests Living a God centered life, Philosophy, Law, Someday a family (presupposing marriage and after law school of course), Improving my relationship with my friends and family, Traveling to, British Columbia, Alaska, The British Isles, Norway
Favorite Movies All About Eve, Wait Until Dark, Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte, Independance Day, Iron Man, Fatal Attraction, LOTR trilogy, The original Star Wars trilogy, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?, Night of the Hunter, The Manchurian Candidate
Favorite Music ABBA, Pat Benatar, Patty Smyth, Doobie Brothers, Blood Sweat & Tears, Steely Dan, Lady Antebellum, Blue Country, The Who, Queen, Toto, Joan Jett, Meredith Brooks, Carbon Leaf, (before anyone is like "cool she's into indie" I'm really not. I was introduced to this band and fell in love with them. However I'm really not in tune with the whole indie thing.), Sara Groves, (the only decent Christian female singer out there), you know I haven't even covered musicals and operas...let's just leave this discussion with the knowledge that I love a lot of music.
Favorite Books Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Persuasion, Sense and Sensibility, Northanger Abbey, Treasure Island, Kidnapped, David Balfour, Collected works of Father Brown, The Man Who Was Thursday, Anna Karenina, Brothers Karamazov, Crime and Punishment, Notes from Underground, War and Peace...there are a ton more, but I think we all get the point...I read a freaking lot :)