How it started...

About me

Introduction Jake and I met on our senior sluff day in 1998. We lived in the same town and was graduating the same year, but had no clue until we met that day. After a year and 1/2 of dating, we were married on May 6, 2000. And later sealed in SLC temple on Jan. 24th, 2003. It was the greatest moment in our lives. We have 4 sweet spirits, Our little angel baby Tylee Jean who was stillborn Feb. 11, 2004, Drake(5), Suri(4), and Colt(2 1/2). Jake is a general contractor for our company Gray Stone Development Inc. I do the books and sell real estate. My favoritest job though is being a mom to our kids. We have been so blessed and our love for each other and our family grows stronger every day.