Aunty Belle
My blogs
Industry | Publishing |
Occupation | jawboning |
Location | Pork Rind Hollow, Way Down South, United States |
Introduction | Aunty Belle is taken from Antebellum, a time of civility and respect fer the foundations of Western Civilization. Y'all can find me rockin' on the porches most days. Be neighborly and come sit a spell. Bring yore dawgs. Mah iced tea is the best, evah.(About yore third visit mah Cracker-speak will become intelligible. I'se sorry iffin' new folks find it odd) We's lighthearted on the Front porch so iffin' ya want some high octane debate, jes c'mon around to the Back Porch. |
Interests | good folks of all stripes, literature, theology, apologetics, history, Medieval history, Camino de Santiago, gardening, travel, philosophy, Southern culture, Southern writers, spy novels, politics |
Favorite Movies | Changes every time I see another good one. Some that come to mind are, Belizaire the Cajun, The List of Adrian Messenger, The Spitfire Grill, and Ladyhawk, Henry V. |
Favorite Music | jazzy Gregorian Chant esp Officium by Jan Gabarek |
Favorite Books | it would take a book to list my books!! |