Healing and Guidance.co.uk

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About me

Location United Kingdom
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Introduction I AM A CHANNEL FOR CELESTIAL GUIDANCE AND HEALING. I am a “voice channel”. That means I receive thoughts from the non-physical teachers and I am able to merge these with my own vocabulary, style of communication and my voice to give you the messages. I also transmit the energy of the 'channels, which feels much like love and reassurance. In the presence of this energy, you will have 'aha' moments, feel that you are on the right track and that all is well. This is an amazing gift that I offer in PERSONAL SESSIONS and 'CHANNELING EVENINGS', where you can invite your friends and family over and I will channel guidance and answer questions for you. You can ask questions about any life challenges that you may be facing. I will also answer more general questions about life! I am a Director and Fouder of The PINK HOUSE RETREAT CENTRE in Sweden. I also run The ORACLE School of Channeling and Intuitive Guidance for training people to become aware of, and develop their intuition, psychic gifts and creativity to further their personal growth. I offer PERSONAL SESSIONS by PHONE, SKYPE and EMAIL as well as a few appointments a month available in person.