
My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Automotive
Occupation BMA studentz
Location Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
Introduction NOthing SpeCiaL.. just ORdinAry pErson.. slaLu baZir mse..
Interests urm.. suke orange+black+white.. eAtinG tOo.. sLeepIng alSO.. sOmetImes DreamiNg.. ZzzzZzZzZ.. baCe noVel kOwt.. yang pembangunan Jiwa pUnyer.. bUke laPtop.. tp xTau naK watper.. gOdeh2 jer..
Favorite Movies > M.B.M.H > dRAgOn ZakuRA > hana yori no Dango my friEnD IntroduCE theSe movIEs tO me.. tP skaNg da xtgoK muVee da.. xTaula kalo muvEE yg tGok Daku..
Favorite Music uRm.. nOt SUre.. maEn Dgr jERk.. baK orG katE.. sedap telinga mendengar.. sedap Lagi tdo Yg Lena..
Favorite Books whAT kiNda oF bOok?? ....... tHe hOly quRan...