Adventure Planet Expeditions

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About me

Industry Tourism
Location Bolivia
Introduction Somos una empresa que lleva 7 años trabajando en las montañas y parajes de Bolivia y organizando viajes de aventura, de escalada, montañismo, trekking y logísticas en todo el país. Conocemos perfectamente Bolivia, su gente y su clima lo cual permite seguir la logística idónea del viaje y garantizar la calidad del servicio que le brindamos. Nuestros recorridos pasan por los lugares más remotos y bellos de Bolivia, explorando montañas y caminos fantásticos que harán de su viaje por esta tierra una experiencia inolvidable. Our company has been operating in the Bolivian mountains and organizing adventure and climbing trips and logistics fort the last 7 years. We count with experienced and qualified guides both from Bolivia and abroad, who are prepared to guarantee the safety, success and fun of your trip, so that it will be an unforgettable experience, We know Bolivia, its people and its weather, which allows us to follow the necessary logistic and to guarantee the quality of the services we offer. Our tours course the remotest most beautiful places in Bolivia, exploring mountains and fantastic roads.