Lorien Spilkin

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About me

Introduction Where to begin... maybe let me rather share why I am doing this, at the age of 26 going on my 'gap year'. I went to study IT straight after school, never really enjoyed it and landed up working in Change Management for 3 years after completing my degree. Although I loved the company I was working for I was not enjoying the work and was looking for something else. I applied to be a Buyer / Planner at a major retail company in Cape Town. They found that I had a background in Programming and wanted me to do that. I was given the option and decided that I may as well try IT one last time before I’ve been out of it for too long to go back. I programmed for them for a year and realised that this was not for me, I was not feeling fulfilled in my job. Although I don’t know exactly what I want to be doing with my life, I at least know what I don’t want to be doing. I know I love working with and helping people... so... instead of jumping into another 8-5 job I decided that I needed some time for me, some time to hopefully discover what I want to be doing, or at least who I am as a person.