Si Meng Kuan

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About me

Introduction 澳門年青藝術家施明坤,修讀視覺藝術畢業,畢業後一直從事教育工作,現為華南師範大學美術系現代藝術創作與理論研究生,澳門雕塑學會理事,天地陶藝會員。參加中澳展覽超過十次,重要展覽包括第十八屆全澳書畫聯展、澳門藝術家北京展、「嘗喜」施明坤繪畫作品展、廣美VS華師美術作品展。   Macau young artist Si Meng Kuan, she was study visual art in university, stay on education work after graduated, she is a master student of modern art,very active in macau art circle and be a chief member of few Macau art society. She had participate in art exhibition in Peking,Macau,China over 10 times.