Meg Meg

Blogs I follow

About me

Industry Non-Profit
Occupation Gopher girl
Location Centerville, Utah
Introduction Oh boy... to sum it all up in a phrase, my daddy calls me the Cajun seasoning of our family, so I guess that would make me spicy? I just like to have fun. I love to meet new people and have new experiences that can give me new insights and perspectives of the world. I'm an artist, and as such, I love to create. Whether it be a scarf, or a piece of jewelry, or even a new recipe thrown together, I love to create things that brings a new aspect of me into view that I wouldn't have known about otherwise. I'm a very passionate person who loves to love :) I'm also pretty crazy and spontaneous. It doesn't surprise my family to come home and find me sliding down the stairs on air mattresses or something like that :) If you want to know more, come and find me and know me better :)
Interests Playing my guitar and my piano, dancing, singing, being on stage, playing with my cute nieces and nephews, hiking, jogging, rock climbing, cooking.... anything that involves creating anything..... gosh, I don't know. I like to do most anything :)
Favorite Movies The Pianist, Life is Beautiful, Schindler's List, What Dreams May Come, Return To Me, Ray, Braveheart, Waking Ned Devine, PS I Love You, Her Majesty Mrs. Brown..... need I say more?
Favorite Music Don't even get me started on this one... it'll take up my whole blog. I just like stuff that sounds good, so pretty much anything but country and rap :) I mostly listen to classic rock, and some alternative. Oh, but I love love LOVE Irish rock, like Flogging Molly, Wicked Tinkers and Molly's Revenge.

The love potion you made tastes terrible. How will you drink it?

Because duckies are just so much cuter than choo-choos... unless they're Jimmy Choo shoes. Nothing can be cutre than those.