
About me

Gender Male
Location 京都, 京都県, Japan
Introduction I live in a house and don't want to go home.
Interests Sport, film, films about sport, sports about film, music, music from films, sports about music, food (turkey and brie toasties and donburi), writing things in pencil and then rubbing them out, even though there isn't any mistakes.
Favorite Movies Ahem: Hard Eight, Boogie Nights, Magnolia, Punch Drunk Love, Lolita, Dr. Strangelove, A Clockwork Orange, Barry Lyndon, The Shining, Full Metal Jacket, Eyes Wide Shut, Blood Simple, Miller's Crossing, Fargo, The Big Lebowski, The Hudsucker Proxy, The Man Who Wasn't There, Three Burials, Rules of Attraction, Paradise Now, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Dog Day Afternoon, I Heart Huckabees, Brick, Little Miss Sunshine, Borat, Marathon Man, Airplane, Se7en, Fight Club, The Prestige, Raging Bull, There's Something About Mary, Confessions of A Dangerous Mind, The Virgin Suicides, Lost in Translation, Jaws, The Woodsman, Being John Malkovich, Adaptation, Eternal Sunshine, Rushmore, Donnie Darko, Lock, Stock, Snatch, Shawn of the Dead, The Station Agent, Buffalo '66, Annie Hall, Swingers, Taxi Driver, Zatoichi, American Beauty, Groundhog Day, Broken Flowers, Blue Velvet, Mulholland Drive, Jaws
Favorite Music I like "indie" rock: The Twilight Sad, Interpol, Large Mound, arctic monkeys, The Cribs, Tokyo Police Club, ルネ, Grandaddy, Menomena, Arcade Fire, modest mouse, Semifinalists, The Corpo. That sort of thing. For me, music only goes back about as far as 1998.
Favorite Books Lunar Park, Glamorama, The Informers, American Psycho, Rules of Attraction, Blood Meridian, No Country for Old Men, A Clockwork Orange, Post Office, Factotum, Women, Hatchett and Lycett. I like Danny Wallace's and Peter Biskind's non-fiction. Well, Biskind's gossipy-pulp-non-fiction-with-a-question-mark.