
My blogs

About me

Introduction i've come to realize that what i don't write down or photograph, i don't remember. i have a notoriously bad memory accompanied by an even worse sense of direction, but lets not go there…wait, where? paaah bad joke, I know. that being said, welcome to my travel blog, mom! hell, i'll be lucky if even she reads this, she's a pretty busy lady… things you'll need to know about me if you don't know me as well as my mom: exceptionally wonderful at pegging random smells to a tee and handing out nicknames. slightly outspoken. mostly kind. definitely weird. lover of open minds and hearts. current addictions include but are not limited to the following; chocolate, music, etsy, almost everything apple, doodlejump, design, mashed potatoes, travel, travel, travel, politics, dogs, handsome strangers, travel.