
My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Female
Location MikroMesoMakroBubble - it depends, too far away
Introduction i have a long shadow, but he's a good listener, i'm a birthday present (born the same day like my mam) and was made in springtime, the weather was stormy when i breathed for the first time, i'm logical, i think analytically but can be pure chaos at the same time, i'm caught in colour
Interests i love (and i require) details. all my favorite colours are skycolours. i love tulips, donkeys, rabbits and diamonds. for no-thinking i do crosswords. i prefer freezing to melting. i can't sing at all. but i can tell stories. with a lot of details.
Favorite Movies The Secretary, Marie-Antoinette, Star Wars - The Empire Strikes back, Jules et Jim, Beatstreet, Finding Nemo, Beetlejuice, Léon, The Fall, In the Loop
Favorite Music music has to move me. or touch me. just catch me. might be disco, might be new wave or hiphop or just good pop music. i always was on the house side of life, but some techno blows my mind either, i'm a bass-addict but hate loud music in the living space. i'm a dubber. music may thrill me but shouldn't scare me. on the classic side of tunes i am more with piano or violin pieces - not too much orchestra, please.
Favorite Books Gottfried Benn, Max Dauthendey, William Blake, Franz Grillparzer, Immanuel Kant, Jostein Gaarder, Umberto Eco, Bertold Brecht, Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Thomas Mann, Doris Lessing, Milan Kundera, Simone de Beauvoir, Albert Camus, Charles Bukowski, J.R.R. Tolkien, Sten Nadolny, Stanislaw Lem, Heather Dohollau, Shel Silverstein, Joachim Ringelnatz, Kostas Tachtses