
My blogs

About me

Location Florida, United States
Interests Likes: ☼ ☀ my boyfriend ♥, family, friends, good sales, being tan, running, cooking/baking, pink, sangria, teal, flip flops, lifting weights, my kittybabies, sunglasses, big hair, dressing nice, jewelry, coffee, traveling, sunshine, yoga/pilates, pictures, big trucks, LFF, talking [hence the name *chatty*], les mills programs, buffalo sauce, sugar-free rockstar, eating healthy/organic, fashion, cuddling, heels, "Breaking Bad", super hot showers, Red Sox, Bulldogs, sushi, & huge purses. Dislikes: ☁ ☂ getting flowers, stop signs, people driving that stop to turn, being cold, alarm clocks, days/weeks the never end, cottage cheese [gag], rudeness, creepers, homework, when plans get canceled, & not being able to fall asleep when you're super tired.