Naked Planet

About me

Location Pender Island, British Columbia, Canada
Introduction Naked Planet Body Care was founded, after many years of making our own cosmetics, to combat the problem of greenwashing in personal care products. We became dismayed, after reading so many mission statements of supposedly green, organic and natural personal care manufacturers and realising that their ingredient lists told a totally different story. That dismay turned to determination to be the one manufacturer that consumers could trust would deliver what we promise, without greenwashing. Our mission is a simple collection of principles flowing from that determination. We promise to: To create simple and effective personal care products with the smallest possible negative impact on our bodies and our planet. To be clear about our standards for ingredients, and stick to them, no matter what. To not take advantage of the complexity of the labelling system to confuse or mislead customers. To apply these principles as best we can to every aspect of our business, especially to our ingredients.