Trude Olford

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About me

Location Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Introduction Dr. Olford has degrees in Organ Performance: B. Mus. (John McIntosh, UWO), M. Mus. (Larry Cortner, UWO), D.Mus. (Marnie Giesbrecht, U of AB). As a project, she decided to learn 10 of the most beautiful organ works over 1000 days and keep track of her progress. LIST: Bach, "Passacaglia and Fugue"; Durufle, "Veni Creator"; Grigny, "Veni Creator"; Sowerby, "Comes Autumn Time"; Franck, "Priere"; Messiaen, "Dieu Parmi Nous"; Dupre, "Prelude and Fugue in G Minor"; Reger, "Wachet auf"; Distler, "Nun komm"; Bach, "O Lamm Gottes". She sometimes practices on a superb Letourneau pipe organ (Opus 111, 2008) located in the Church of St. Patrick in Markham, Ontario. (Organ specification is on complete profile under "Interests.") The inaugural recital for this instrument was performed by Canadian organist Ken Cowan on Sunday, September 21, 2008.
Interests Opus 111 - Letourneau organ, GRAND-ORGUE:, Violonbasse 16, Montre 8' Flute a cheminee 8', Violoncelle 8', Prestant 4', Doublette 2', Fourniture III-IV (1 1/3), Trompette 8', RECIT EXPRESSIF:, Bourdon 8', Viole de gambe 8', Voix celeste 8', Principal 4', Flute conique 4', Nazard 2-2/3', Flute a bec 2', Tierce 1-3/5', Mixture III (2'), Basson-Hautbois 16', Trompette 8', Houtbois 8', PEDAL:, Resultante 32', Soubasse 16', violonbasse 16' (G-O), Montre 8', Violoncelle 8', Flute 8', Basse de chorale 4', Bombarde 16', Basson 16' (Rec), Trompette 8' (G-O), Usual sub, unison and octave couplers, Electric slider chests