Mir, Mir on the wall

My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Female
Location Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Interests slack-lining, wall climbing, two hour u-bahn rides home from the reeperbahn with a bike and a slight detour, dome spotting, bus rides to brussels, bike rides, checking the weather, triathlons, theorizing about donkeys, tour d'accordians, manitoba road trips, birch bark canoe building, rowing, running, windsurfing, drinking turkish tea, domes, baking, bison bison bison, reading, iznik tiles, writing, yoga, travel, time travel, space travel, ink, coffee, more coffee, coffee variations: latté, espresso, americano, cappuccino, baking, cooking, journalism, turkey... the country and the bird, videojournalism, radio, photography, lomography, old movies, nxne, kissing in the rain, hot pink, ink, a good beat, an honest conversation, laying my head down at night, up with people, rain, canoeing, climbing
Favorite Movies amalie, breakfast at tiffany's, funny girl/funny lady, so i married an axe murderer
Favorite Books Elizabeth Hay: Late Nights on Air, Kevin Kerrane and Ben Yagoda: The art of fact Miriam Toews: A complicated kindness, A boy of good breeding, Summer of my amazing luck Dan Eldon the art of life Carolyn Abrams: Possessing Genius Diana Evans: 26a Yann Martel: The Life of Pi Sylvia Plath: The Bell Jar Micheal Ondaajte: In the Skin of a Lion Margaret Atwood: Lady Oracle, Moral Disorder, A Handmaid's Tale Heather O'Neil: Lullabies for little criminals Patrick Süskind: Perfume