
About me

Introduction Hello there! Thanks for coming to my blog. I decided to make a blog since I am a person that doesn't express her feelings so I though it would be good for me. Also, I would like to help other people that don't have many friends or that feel lonely at times so don't be afraid to leave any comments or questions. Good day lovelies xx
Interests Photography, Beauty, Fashion, Nature, Sports, Helping, Music
Favorite Movies Across the Universe, Eat Pray Love, Charlie Bartlett, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Good Will Hunting
Favorite Music Imagine Dragons, Two Door Cinema Club, Jason Mraz, Beyonce, Jesse&Joy, Ed Sheeran, Eric Hutchinson
Favorite Books The Outsiders, Never Let Me Go, Perks of Being a Wallflower

What is my purpose?