
My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Female
Industry Accounting
Occupation Office Manager of Processing Service
Location Lindale, GA, United States
Introduction I can be very INDEPENDENT!!! I am into the ATL. music scene, and IT'S OBER EXCITING for me!!! I LOVE IT<3 I've met so many awesome people, and it's just amazing since I've only been doing this since March 06. My ultimate goal is to have a building in downtown ATL. prolly...first floor be a venue, second floor be my PR firm, third floor be where my mag. will be published. I want it all to be under one name, and I want to cater to LOCAL bands...everything I do will be to help them get their name out there and become big!!! I am currently doing some writing with an entertainment mag. called BOG-GOB, out of Chatt, TN. I write music/concert reviews, and interviews!!! I'm currently doing some work with Harvest Reaper's Promotions out of Chatt. TN as well. I also help bands out, promotions, merch, various things...bands I've worked with are Code Atom, FERVoR, Across Five Aprils(TN), Crank Sanatra(TN)...but are not limited to those. I've been called a "WALKING BILLBOARD". Give me a shirt, demo, CD, ANYTHING...and I'll talk about ya :o)
Interests Meeting new bands. Being apart of Local Love Loud. Working on my Modeling Portfolio. Writing Poems, Songs, and Quotes. Reading. Amy Brown, Faeries, Savlador Dali, the Duirwaigh Gallery. Tattoos. Vintage, Thirft stores, Yard Sales, Flea Markets. BIG City stuff. Dancing, Singing. Cars. Photography. NEWS, Politics, Sports, UGA. Road trips. Learning New Things, Researching just about anything. (Attempting to play) the Keyboard.
Favorite Movies The ones I watch...
Favorite Music Too many...but I love my local ATLANTA music scene.
Favorite Books The ones I read...