Mae Travels

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Location Ann Arbor, MI, United States
Introduction My name is Mae E. Sander. I live in Ann Arbor, Michigan. I began blogging in 2006, and kept both a food and a travel blog through 2015. I'm now posting both food and travel at -- including various posts about Mona Lisa parodies, detective fiction, world literature and many other interests. This blog contains no advertising and no product endorsements. If I mention a product, it's because I like it: I do not accept products for supposedly objective reviews.
Interests Farmers' markets, kitchens, Mona Lisa, Shakespeare, children's stories, relationship of food and art, relationship of food and literature, Japanese literature, detective fiction, birdwatching
Favorite Movies French New Wave film from the 60s, Japanese film, Star Wars movies, Harry Potter movies, classic movies