
My blogs

About me

Occupation Entrepreneur
Location Portland, OR, United States
Introduction I started this blog in October of 2011, at the height of the "Occupy" movement. I call myself "The Unlikely Conservative" because I considered myself a pretty liberal person ever since I can remember. As someone who moved to San Francisco right out of high school to live in an ashram following the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda, then spent years playing guitar in bands and even touring the US and Canada, my circle of friends have always been very liberal. And like Dave Ramsey says, "You are who you you hang out with." Well, lately I've found myself with increasingly conservative views. I'm now a small business owner, and that alone somewhat 'forces' you to view the world a bit more conservatively. And as I witnessed the hypocrisy and lack of coherence displayed by members of the movement, that pretty much tipped the scales. Not only do I not support their movement, I find their victim and entitlement mentality to be absolutely abhorrent. Now I'm not a real political guy. I don't watch Fox news or listen to Glenn Beck--this has been an organic process and is not a result of being brainwashed by the right wing media. So stick around...