Lorraine and Kelly

About me

Location Ogden, Utah, United States
Introduction We have been married 4 years and have two girlies, a 3 year old and 1 year old. We are enjoying fixing up our house and just relaxing whenever we can all be together. I saw this funny quote the other day and loved it, "I married him for the money and will stick around until he gets some." I'm such a lucky wife to have such a hard-working and loving husband. Cora and Cate are the best blessings I could ever receive and I can't wait to see how our family grows and where life takes us, but for now we are just taking it one day at a time.
Interests We used to have interests other than taking care of a baby, going to work, eating and sleeping. Let me see if I can remember some of them... wakeboarding, boating, camping, rock crawling, eating out, buying stuff we can't afford.