My blogs
- Emperor vs Elector
- Interbellum
- Lamplighter's Haven
- The Gothic Age : wargaming in the late 15th Century
- The Duchy of Saschen-Vindow
- The Duchy of Tradgardland
- By The Sward Divided
- The Lyonesse and District Light Railway
- The Kingdoms of Antiquity
- Army Red/White and Others...
- Pavilioned in splendour- wargaming with ancients..
- New Tradgardstadt
Blogs I follow
- Sabre and bayonet
- Moiterei's bunte Welt
- Footsore Miniatures
- Waterloo to Mons
- 20mm Crimean War Wargaming and Other Stuff
- "The Zone"
- -
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- ...the leadpile
- 18th Century Sojourn
- 20mm Nostalgic Revival
- 20th Century Wargames
- 3D Military Art
- 6 iron spikes
- <p align="right">Steve's Random <br>Musings on Wargaming <br>and other stuff...</p>
- A Conflict of Interests
- A Fist Full of Plastic
- A J's Wargames Table
- A Wargaming Odyssey
- Adventures In Lead
- Adventures in Portable Wargaming
- Adventures in the Indies
- Adventures with Gun, Sabre &amp; Horse
- All Things Made New
- Analogue Hobbies
- Archduke Piccolo
- Ardoberg-Holstein
- Arlequín's World of Adventure
- Army Royal
- Arnhem Jim
- Aut Caesar, Aut Nihil
- Bac Ninh Miniatures
- Baron's Blog
- Battle Game of the Month
- Battlefields and Warriors
- bbtoyshobbies
- Ben's Botcreations
- Big Martin's Pages
- Bishopric of Uber Gruntshuffen
- Black Hussar Miniatures
- Black Powder Games
- Blenheim to Berlin
- Blunders on the Danube
- Bohemian troops - Emil Horky
- bood-wargames.miniatures
- Braunschweig-Wolfenbuttel's Wargames World
- Brazos Hill Cantons Wars
- BRIAN SIBLEY : his blog
- Brushes and Bases
- By Toutatis !
- Campaigns in Iberia
- Campaigns of General William Augustus Pettygree
- Canford Valley Railway
- Canister &amp; Grape - A Website for Wargamers
- Capt. Richard's Miniature Civil War
- Captain richards miniature Civil War
- Captain's Blog
- Carmen's Fun Painty Time
- Castles of Tin
- Chris' Miniature Wargaming
- cianty's Tabletop Wargames Blog
- Clamshells and Sea Horses
- Clash in the Wilderness
- Classic wargaming
- Collecting Toy Soldiers
- Colonel Hud's Colonial Blog
- Colonel O'Truth's Miniature Issues
- Cordial Hostilities
- Crapid Fire
- D and D Doodle
- Dalauppror
- Dampf's modelling page
- Dear Tony Blair
- Declare Sir!
- Der Alte Fritz Journal
- Despatches from Syldavia
- Die Kriege des Zobelshuts
- Dirty Paint Pots
- DLI's Workshop
- Do and (Roll the) Die
- Do You Have A Flag?
- Don't Throw a 1
- Doug's Soldiers
- Dr. Fischer's Game Night
- Drums in the Deep
- Duchy of Clove-Hamhock, Iranistan, and others
- Duchy of Grolstein
- Duchy of Strackenz
- Dunc's Persistent Tangent
- Dust, Tears &amp; Dice
- EKDuncan - My Fanciful Muse
- Enlightenment Imaginings
- Erny's place.
- Federation of Bodstonia
- Fencing Frog
- Fictional Armies.
- Fife &amp; Drum Miniatures
- Figures by Faust
- Fimm McCool's
- Flintlock and tomahawk
- For God, England &amp; King Edward.
- For Honour's Sake
- For Ye Kinge
- Forlorn Hope: The English Civil War
- Four Colour Super Minis
- Fr Hunwicke's Mutual Enrichment
- Freistadt Tippelbruder
- French Revolutionary Wargames 1789-1802
- Frundsberg Frei Stadt
- Funny Little Wars - Molatero
- Gaming the Balkan Interallied war 1913
- Gardens of Hecate
- Gathering of Hosts
- Geschichten aus dem Beimbacher Reichskreis
- Gloranthan Army Miniatures Encyclopedia
- Glorious Little Soldiers
- Goblin Lee's Miniatures Blog.
- Gunfreak's Historty of War
- Gunners wargaming
- Harness and Array
- Herefordshire 1938
- Hill Cantons
- Hippolyta's Tiny Footsteps
- History in 1/72
- HMS Acasta
- I have wrought my simple plan...
- I LIKE the things I LIKE!
- I Live with Cats
- Ilkley Old School
- Interbellum
- Into the Maelstorm
- iron mitten
- Irregular Wars Wargaming
- It's History, there's no hurry
- Je Lay Emprins
- Jim Duncan Wargamer
- Joanna Robson Illustration
- John's Toy Soldiers
- Jomada - Adventures in Middle-earth
- Jon's Military History Page
- Jon's wargames minis
- Joy and Forgetfulness
- Junkyard Planet
- Kadzikowo
- Kampfgruppe Engel
- KEV's Hobby Site.
- King's Dragoone
- Kingdom of Sicily
- Kleidung um 1800
- Kruppfalz und Skyria
- Kurage -Hantverk, historia och reenactment
- König und Kaiser
- Königreich der Bleiherzen
- Lace Wars in Tin
- Lair of the Uber Geek
- Landgraviate of Hesse-Fedora
- Lasgunpacker
- Last Stand at Cairngorm
- Le Coq Fou: Random Wargaming
- Lead Gardens
- LittleWars
- Lohwand
- Mad Padre
- Magpie and Old Lead
- Major Thomas Foolery's War Room
- Mannie Gentile: Toy Soldiers Forever
- Matt's Little Soldiers
- Medieval Battles
- Medieval Church Art
- Megablitz and more
- Menander's meanderings
- Mercurius Atticus
- Mick's Roving Reporter Photo Collections
- Mill House Diary
- Minden Miniatures with Fife &amp; Drum
- Mini Ship Gaming
- Monster-Blood Tattoo
- Moodys Adventures
- Morts 1938 Scrapbook
- MurdocK's MarauderS
- Musketeer Miniatures
- My 1/32 world
- My Life in Millimetres
- my little wargame blog
- my rural rydes
- My Seven Year's War
- New Byzantium
- Northern Wargaming
- Not just old school wargaming
- Not Quite The Seven Years War
- Old Admirals
- Old Orcs Never Die...
- Old School ACW
- Old School Workshop
- Oldenhammer in Toronto
- Oldhammer
- Oldhammer on a budget
- one mans table
- One More Gaming Project
- Operation: Wargaming!
- Our Family Allotment
- PanzerKaput's Painted Review
- Parallel Futures: Musings on SF
- Parum Pugna
- Paul´s Bods
- Peckforton Light Railway
- Phil's War Cabinet
- Pioneer Painting
- Plain Catholics in the Mountains and Valleys
- Port Imperiale
- Port Sunlight 1938
- preacher by day...mild mannered wargamer by night
- Pro Gloria Miniatures
- Project Auldearn 1645
- Prometheus in Aspic
- Quantrill's Toy Soldiers
- Rab's Geekly Digest
- Rabbits In My Basement
- Ralph's Little World
- Ramblings of a Distracted Wargamer
- Ready to wear (1640s style)
- Realm of Chaos 80s
- Recreating the French Habitant in the Illinois Country
- Reich Duchy of Beerstein
- Rittmeister Krefeld's Kleinkriege
- RuneCast-Blog
- Runequest Fun
- Saxe-Bearstein
- Scale Creep
- Scheck´s Zinnsoldatenkriege
- Scotia Albion
- Shed Wars
- Shooting Leave
- Shouting Into The Void
- Skull and Crown
- Slightly Obsessed
- Slow Growing in Scotland
- Smooth&amp;Rifled
- Somewhere the Tea's getting cold...
- Soweiter League
- Steam and Aether
- Steam, Steel and Torpedoes
- Steve's Fieldworks-DFW Irregulars
- Sumer to Sargon
- Switzerland and the First World War - Blog
- Tales From GHQ
- Tales from the attic
- Tales From the Big Board
- Tales From The Grand Duchy of Humperstein
- Tales from the Realm of St.Kosz of Astergow
- Tales of Frostgravery
- Tales of Mirth
- Tales of the Black Crane
- Tarleton's Quarter
- Tempus Fugit
- Ten and Fifteen Mil Wargames
- The Airfix American Civil War Project
- The Airfix Wargames Blog
- The Axis Of Naughtiness
- The BigRedBatCave
- The Camlachie Wolfe
- The chronicles of the Isle of Stoner
- The Dancing Cake Tin
- The Dane's Wargaming Blog
- The Dice Warrior
- The Dream of the Sleeping Wolf
- The Duchy of Alzheim
- The Duchy of Baden-Hundsheim
- The Duchy of Hefeweizenbach
- The Duchy of Indur
- The Eastern Garrison
- The Games We Play
- The Grand Duchy of Stollen
- The Hesse-Kassoulet Kronicles
- The Hetzenberg Chronicles
- The Hinton Spieler.
- The History of Georland
- The Huack-Krakistan Wars, circa 1890
- The Imperial Gazette
- The Independent Wargames Group
- The Kingdom of Hesse Seewald
- The Kingdom of Wittenberg
- The Land of Counterpane
- The Laughing Owl
- The Lone Delver
- The Maccabean
- The Mad Padre's Wargames Page
- The Medetian Wars
- The Miniatures Man
- The Minstrel Boy
- The Molgravian Gazette
- The Monkey that Walks
- The Nothelm Chronicle
- The Penny Whistle
- The Pewter-Pixel Wars
- The Principality of Fleisch-Spätzlestadt
- The Ramshackle Fort: Shoestring Oldschool Gaming
- The Renaissance Troll
- The Sharp End of the Brush
- The Shire and everything after
- The Single Handed Admiral
- The Steadfast Tin Soldier
- The Stronghold Rebuilt
- The Valhalla Road Taxi Stand
- The Very British Civil War Miniatures Guide
- The Wars of Wine and Cheese
- The Week's Work
- Thoughts of a Depressive Diplomatist
- Threwdish Ways
- Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog
- Tin Soldiering On
- Tiny Tin Men
- Toasted Avocado
- Tom's Toy Soldiers
- Touching History
- Toy Soldiers and Dining Room Battles
- Tsuba Miniatures
- Ubique
- Un-PC Gaming: Switch off your PC and do something less boring instead!
- Unfashionably Shiny
- Vauban and Shandy - Toy Soldier Garden Wargaming
- Vintage Wargaming
- War Diaries of a Little Englander
- Warfare in the Age of Steam
- wargame amateur
- Wargame Hermit: Solo Wargaming
- Wargame News and Terrain
- Wargaming for Grown-ups
- Wargaming from an Armchair
- Wargaming Miscellany
- Warhammer the Second
- Wars of Louis Quatorze
- Waziristan on a Fancy
- Westerhope Wargame Group
- Where the sea pours out
- Will's Wargames Blog
- Winter of '79
- WK's Miniature Imperium
- Wooden Warriors
- WW2 - Somewhere in England
- WW2 - Somewhere in France
- Yours in a White Wine Sauce!
- zuludalek
- Ådalen Miniatures
Gender | Male |
Industry | Education |
Location | Scotland, United Kingdom |
Introduction | I am a 48 year old in the Education Sector who has been wargaming for around 40 years..... |
Interests | archaeology, history, wargaming, gardening, reading and second -hand books |
Favorite Movies | the duellists, fanny and alexander, master and commander, last of the mohicans, lotr films, gladiator |
Favorite Music | A great width of musuc including The Incredible String Band, Steve Hackett, James Blunt, Dido Genesis, Baroque - especially Lully, Faithless, Led Zep and Traditional Hymns |
Favorite Books | Lord of the Rings, Narnia, gormanghast, fiction of Rosemary Sutcliff and Alfred Duggan, The novels of Patrick O'brien, novels of Steph Swainston, Christopher Duffy and Fr Aidan Nichols O.P |