
My blogs

About me

Occupation Student
Location Salamanca, Spain
Introduction I am a high school junior, and when I realized that I had the opportunity to study abroad, I had to take advantage of it. I chose to go to Spain because of a history paper I wrote during my freshman year. The paper was about the influence of Islamic architecture on Catholic cathedrals and their role in Spanish culture. Ever since, I have been intrigued by this old and ever changing culture. My hope is to get a better picture of Spanish culture reflected not only through history, but through soccer. It is well known that soccer, or futbol, is the most popular sport in most of Europe, and it is certainly is in Spain. I have a feeling that I won't really understand Spanish culture until I learn to play their game, their way. And that is just what I plan to do. In addition to living with a host family and attending a Spanish school, my study abroad program, IFX, will allow me to practice and play soccer with a local club team. I am sure that between classes, practices, and language barriers in abundance, I will find my self in situations fit to inform, and more certainly, amuse you. Thanks for reading!