
About me

Introduction Hi! I'm Kelly, welcome to my blog. I'm not sure of exactly which direction this will go, but I hope you'll come along for the ride. A little about me: I'm a Jersey girl living in North Carolina. "I'm a little bit of old world Italy and southern mixed into one." I'm embarking on a new chapter in life of marital bliss with my new hubby Bryan and I couldn't be happier. We have a lab named Gunnar who definitely keeps us on our toes! He would be Grey Dog! I like french vanilla coffee, pretty sunsets, any beach anywhere, the smell of a fire burning on a cool night, white wine in the summer and red in the winter. I love all things interior design and wish I was a great photographer. I long to be able to carry a tune and figure out how to use a curling iron, but I can cook pretty good and love entertaining and spending time with my friends and family. Grey dog and I like to go on walks almost every day and it's during that time I get to clear my head and come up with my next crazy idea. Wouldn't you know...I decided to write a blog during one of our walks. Let's see where this journey takes us...