Zia Elohka

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Location Amsterdam, Netherlands
Introduction I'm Priestess of the Goddess, the Great Mother, the Lady with 10 000 names. I've walked a pagan path for more than 25 years. About 6 years ago my path took yet another turn and my living room changed into a temple for Her, The One I devoted my life to. Here I keep the light on the main altar burning 24/7. I'm also a shamanic practitioner, reviving the old Northern European traditions. And I study Advaita Vedanta as well. My views are ever developing, as I'm always open to new inspiration and wisdom. But the main threads that weave my spiritual life are always the same: Devotion, respect, critical thinking and non commercial spiritual exchange.
Interests The Goddess, polytheism, Paganism, Asatru. Seidhr, Shamanism, mediumship. Vedanta, Hinduism, Non duality. Honesty, purity, clarity.