My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Mirroring my Thoughts...!
- love with me and life
- .a written note.
- A Fat Life!
- A Few Words
- A Lot of Pages...
- A not so personal diary
- A-Musing
- Abysmally Mine
- Aesthetic Blasphemy
- Aficionado
- Ahamkaara
- Amorphous Creativity
- An Insight, Into Myself
- Anu's art and crafts
- Anything But Ordinary
- Atrocious Scribblings
- Audi Alteram Partem
- Blahblaholic
- Blogging all the way...
- Bluebell Books Twitter Club!
- BombayJules
- Born naked, wet and hungry. Later things got worse
- Chasing cars..............
- Cinnamon Hot Chocolate
- Clandestine Musings
- Colouring Life Purple all the way
- Comet Muse
- Confessions Of A StilettoManiac
- Confessions Of The Chocolate Obsessed™
- Conversations
- Darlings Of Venus
- Diary of a Doting Mom
- Dil ki Baat, Blog ke saath
- Div...Dil Se
- dream BIG
- DreamSpace.
- EOL #1
- Few Fragrant Flowers
- Few Miles
- Fictitious Fables
- Galaxy far, far away
- Gemini in the sky
- Godyears
- Hey Wait, Listen!
- I Don't Skinny Dip...I Chunky Dunk
- I'm shooting for the moon ((:
- IDLE TIME ....
- In My Place
- in search of excellence
- It's My Life ❤
- Kaleidoscope
- La femme Nirvana
- Languid Beckonings
- Life is Like that
- Life Under Microscope
- Little Moments of Bliss
- Live Your Life
- LOL: Life Of Leo
- Magic Moments
- Malignant humor in my head
- Memories. Moments and Us.
- Munni of all Trades
- My Memoirs of Mesmerizing Memories
- My Tumbling Thoughts to the World
- Myriad Hues
- Nail Art Hues
- Nighthags Writing Corner
- NumeroUnity
- OK. Blog.
- One Such Story
- PAGAL hain Kya?!!?
- Pages From, Diary of a Lost Girl !
- penning down the mind
- Pineapples and books
- pink n black™
- Rambling
- Rekindled Imaginations
- S.c.r.i.b.b.l.i.n.g.s
- Senseless Sense?Or sensible nonsense?
- Shades of Life...
- Shobha's Food Mazaa
- Shobhaa De
- simple stories
- Soaring Dreams
- Someday Somewhere
- Soul Stormers
- Supercalifragilisticsexyalidocious™
- Teeth that Sparkle!
- teetotum of written expressions
- The Alter Ego.......
- The Girl With Too High A Dream
- The Little Princess
- The Other Side of Me
- The Pink Orchid - An Unknown Quest
- The Queen
- The Shaded Shadows
- The Solitary Writer
- The West Wind
- The Writers Lounge
- Trends on ma mind
- URNER - URvashi's corNER
- Vodka With Dosa
- Where thoughts are Word$
- Words do matter.
- yeM Bee yAe
Gender | Female |
Industry | Student |
Location | MUMBAI, India |
Introduction | I m a silent observer.. The stories here are all fictional but inspired from all the real incidents I have observed or been a part of.. hope you will enjoy .. |
Interests | reading, writing and observing... |
Favorite Books | the last song, all dan brown books, prisoner of birth.. |