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About me

Industry Manufacturing
Occupation 專業的糖漿廠家Professional Syrup Manufacturer
Location 土城區, 新北市, Taiwan
Introduction 我出生於1989年,是個30歲的青年,從小時候沒有自己的房子到現在擁有自己的大大居所,一步一步的往上堆疊,目前擁有約莫30種的糖漿口味在口袋,需要漂亮的玻璃瓶包裝或是經濟實惠的塑膠桶裝都能提供,我一點都不吝嗇於交朋友這件事情,已經有很多朋友販售我的產品到歐美其他國家並且創造了很好的成績,這是多麼令人開心並且有成就的事情,希望能結交更多的朋友邁向更好的未來!~ 甚麼是濃縮糖漿? 手搖飲料店裡的薄荷奶茶的薄荷! 水蜜桃綠茶的水蜜桃! 或是調酒裡面常常用到的萊姆汁、紅石榴汁等等,找我就對啦! I was born in 1989, a 30-year-old youth. I have never owned my own house since I was a child, but I work hard and make a lot of friends during this time, I stack it step by step, now I have my own big residence. I have about 30 kinds of syrup in my pocket nowadays, I can provide either glass bottle or plastic bottle. Many friends have sold my products to other countries in Europe and America and have created good results, how happy and accomplished things it is. Hoping to make more friends and we will move towards a better future together!~ ANTEH's syrup is used in cocktails, bubble teas, sweets and Asian dishes. You really need to try ours syrup!