Alpha Conservative Male
My blogs
Gender | Male |
Industry | Business Services |
Occupation | Business Administration |
Location | Baltimore, Maryland, United States |
Introduction | My name is Tyrone. I was born in raised in the liberal experiment gone wrong called Baltimore. I'm a staunch free thinking, analytical conservative. I don't subscribe to political correctness. Only sheep do that. |
Interests | Politics, Debating, Cars, Movies. |
Favorite Movies | Wallstreet, Office Space, Barbarians At The Gate, Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, Pirates of Silicon Valley |
Favorite Books | SCAM How the Black Leadership Expliots Black America Unfounded Loyalty: An In-Depth Look Into The Love Affair Between Blacks and Democrats Uncle Sam's Plantation, Welfare Brats and Poverty Pimps. |
Your pajamas have duckies on them. Why did you switch from choo-choos?
What do you call a group of people with one mind set lead by others?