Black Sheep Crafts Workshop

My blogs

About me

Industry Arts
Occupation Apprentice and Protégé
Location Oertha, Alaska, United States
Introduction Hi! I'm Ulfhildr (pronounced Ulf-Hild, as the R is silent). I play in the SCA and live in the Principality of Oertha, where I am an Apprentice and Protégé. There is a wide range of artwork that I practice. Because of these wide and varied interests, my Laurel and I decided it would be best to focus on a culture instead of a particular art form. Hence most of my work is centered around the Norse during the Viking Age.
Interests Spinning, weaving, nalbinding, painting, carving wood and bone, woodworking, lampworking, blacksmithing, calligraphy. The list is ever growing.

About the blog name, I have always been a black sheep. Mundanely I grew up in a small town. It was a rather red neck, blue collar place. Even then, as a 90's teen, I didn't fit in very well. My hobbies were outdated, my later chosen profession obscure and not the norm for my gender, etc. I am a black sheep, and I very proudly wear it as my SCAdian heraldry. I found my flock in the SCA.