
About me

Gender Female
Introduction Sed Semper Amico!
I love to write—for me it clears confusion, liberates my thoughts, and teaches me things. One day I hope to publish, but for now, I'm writing here to get started and keep me motivated. My blog is not necessarily a journal, but more a medium for my creative juices. And what I write here is about as literarily masterful as my fifth grade poetry. So I will just clarify by saying, please don't worry about me because of what I write here. This blog is a form of expression, and like my banner suggests, it's a reflection. What I write is often creative, sometimes factual: but it's all musing from my life, what I find interesting, insights about what experiences mean, how emotions come to play, how I can related to others through my view point, how it is uniquely mine own.
My Testimony