Michele P.

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About me

Gender Female
Occupation Censored
Location United States
Introduction Mid Life Crisis? Like I have time for one! Fifty Something Mom dealing with wrinkles, sagging body parts and searching for the Fountain of Youth! Mom to a 25 yr old son with 2 boys of his own and a 16 yr old daughter going through all of the teen "stuff" that you don't want to talk about with your mom and step-mom to hubby's 2 adult children with 3 granddaughters. Hubby hopes I will eventually learn to cook like his mama but he's definitely dreaming when it comes to that! Spending my time between the US & Guatemala & trying to enjoy life, health issues and all...
Interests having fun with friends and family... you only live once, but if you live right, then once is enough!
Favorite Movies I love horror movies-especially zombie ones! Also love the scifi ones, disaster movies-action, comedy and family. Basically if it makes me laugh, cry, or cover my eyes I will watch it!
Favorite Music Some classic 80's, a little rock, but mostly Latin music, especially bachata.
Favorite Books Hot Blood Erotic Horror series is my all time favorite, I also like other horror books, esp. Stephen King. Lately have been reading other genres and am enjoying myself profusely... I love reading, and wish I had more time to do it! I don't throw books away, I still have ones from when I was a child! My daughter is going to have so much fun reading my Judy Blume young adult novels!

The hair from your last haircut ... what would it say about your new style?

wear it like you got it mama, because the gray ain't goin' away! (ahem! guess that is why I get a cut and color every 3 months lol)