
My blogs

About me

Introduction 從雅虎部落格搬過來,資料散佚不少,得慢慢整理以前的遊記和筆記,再來與大家分享。 享受簡單的幸福,真是美好。腳踏實地的過簡單的生活,多親近大自然,長智慧與愛心。
Interests Reading, traveling, listening to music, playing tennis and ping-pong, getting to know people from all walks of life, and watching insightful movies
Favorite Movies Cinema Paradiso, The Mission, The Witness, God Father III.
Favorite Music Anything but heavy metal
Favorite Books Information Rules (Shapiro & Varian), Seeing what's next(Christiansen), Watching the English (Kate Fox), The Tipping Point (M. Gladwell)