Ashok Eitkan

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Gender Male
Industry Military
Location NewDelhi, India
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Interests SlideShare is the world's largest community for sharing presentations. - Individuals & organizations upload presentations to share their ideas, connect with others, and generate leads for their businesses. - Anyone can find presentations on topics that interest them. They can tag, download, or embed presentations into their own blogs & websites. SlideShare is the best way to get your slides out there on the web, so your ideas can be found and shared by a wide audience. Do you want to get the word out about your product or service? Do you want your slides to reach people who could not make it to your talk? Are you a teacher looking to share your lesson plans? It only takes a moment - start uploading now, and let your slides do the talking! Some of the things you can do on SlideShare - Embed slideshows into your own blog or website. - Share slideshows publicly or privately. There are several ways to share privately. - Synch audio to your slides. - Market your own event on slideshare. - Join groups to connect with SlideShare members who share your interests - Download the original PowerPoint / Pdf file About the company The SlideShare team is based in San Francisco, (California, USA) & New Delhi (India). We are passionate about creating compelling web experiences and think that small teams with fire in their eyes can do big things. SlideShare Inc. 739 Bryant Street, San Francisco, CA 94107, Phone: 415 777 5770 Fax: 415 789 4358 New Delhi Office 221, First Floor, Okhla Phase III, New Delhi-110020 Telephone: 011-40548185