
Blogs I follow

About me

Location United States
Interests peeling melted tar off the road during hot a summer, ripping milkweed leaves, feeling caterpillar feet move across my hand, challenging an angry praying mantis, eating the burned top of an angel food cake, making the speedometer go past where it can register, the smell of Seattle in the rain by the waterfront, talking to homeless people at bus stops, meeting someone new, laughing for no good reason, waiting for a flight, discovering treasures dumpster diving, gaining experience in unconventional ways, making people ask “why in the world?”, catching sea creatures on the beach, training geese to come when they are called, squirrel hunting, taking photos of everything, chugging cranberry juice by the bottle, taking on the ant population with the help of a few house spiders, climbing trees, doing what others wouldn’t, exploring foreign markets, eating hagel slag on toast in the morning, being noisy when I am expected to be quiet, challenging things others take for granted, keeping the heat on in the summer, talking to animals as I pass them, treating children as adults, lifelong goal to have a pet raccoon, hating the sound Styrofoam makes, watching movies with subtitles, lighting fireworks, melting pennies on the stove to get the zinc out, never regretting a minute of life