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About me

Gender Female
Industry Publishing
Occupation Production Editor
Location Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
Introduction I am a Christian, Baptist, journalist, cynic, smart aleck (some people would use another word).
Interests reading, music, television, spending time with friends, and of course, writing
Favorite Movies Life is Beautiful, My Big, Fat, Greek Wedding, The Italian Job, Joshua
Favorite Music Rebecca St. James, Point of Grace, The Judds, Alison Krauss
Favorite Books Recent favorites: pretty much anything by Max Lucado, The Story Classic favorites: Chronicles of Narnia, Anne of Green Gables, Little House on the Prairie

You've written a hit musical! How will you avoid having fame go to your head?

I will still continue to hang out with the "little" people in my life -- not making any new, need-my-money/attention friends.