
About me

Introduction I have lived a rich life - my high school year book quote was "to boldly go where no man has gone before." I have lived that life and now am changing my motto to " Peace, Love and Happiness." Home is USA, Greece, South Africa, and Costa Rica. My work and passions have allowed me the privilege of doing work with doing and I am truly grateful for that privilege. On my life road so far, I have met terrific people, talented, inspiring, loving and also my equal share of total and complete scoundrels. This life has given me a wealth of hilarious, terrifying and at least interesting stories over a glass of wine. My true joy comes from being in nature with a wild parrot flying overhead or a baboon on a telephone pole. Wildlife free. My son, almost 18 years old,shares my passion and is planning a life as a veterinarian. My business skill is to quickly assimilate a large amount of data and break it down into the most important elements that are the critical points to creating successs. This blog is about my applying that skill to health- my own. I am writing this blog because the ability to read other people stories helped me as I started this process. Maybe mine will help someone else.