Food Fluffer

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Occupation Food Stylist
Location Toronto, ON, Canada
Introduction I have always been interested in food, from my earliest memories in fact. Our mother, Elinor Donaldson Whyte, co-authored several edition revisions to "Nellie Lyle Patterson's Canadian Cookbook", a basic book with good, solid recipes and that was used in schools across the country for many years. Our mother is also a nutritionist, hence junk food was very scarce in our household. These factors have no doubt had much influence on my approach and perspective on food. I really enjoy working with food, thinking about it, planning, executing the ideas and often tweaking things as I go along. I work with food: as a food stylist prepping food for camera, and have worked in cooking schools, and for a variety of caterers.
Interests I have had the good fortune to travel to France many times for work, and I even took classes at Le Nôtre in Paris on the Champs Elysées. I am originally from Quebec, and I feel very much at home in French culture. J'adore la francophonie, et je suis ravie d'être bilingue. Life is full of adventures, big & small, and it is important to partake. Saying that I enjoy: travelling, biking, skiing, hiking, food & wine, concerts, reading, the great outdoors etc...
Favorite Movies For food flix it would have to be Babette's Feast and Big Night - and of course most recently Julie & Julia.
Favorite Books Books by: Anthony Bourdain, Jeffrey Steingarten, and another great read is "United States of Arugula - How we Became a Gourmet Nation".

What styling experience do I have? I have worked with a variety of photographers including: Michael Kohn, Michael Mahovlich, Bern Prost and Brian Summers. I have also worked on video shoots and television commercials.