Christine Alfery

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Industry Arts
Occupation Artist
Location Lac du Flambeau, WI, United States
Introduction My recent work delves into the concepts from the earth created into spirits and songs of past, present, and possible future and the stories of these spirits and songs throughout history. My current work blurs the lines of Earth's spiritual histories between different cultures. My work fuses old with new and the hopeful future. My work mixes soul versus machine with the earth. I find spiritual inspiration in my art and its connection to the spirits and songs of the earth and all things that are the yes, yes, yeses in the world. I believe in hope. My hope for those who view my work is that viewers will let the beautiful spirits from the earth and the wonderful yes, yes, yeses that surround them touch their souls this day and always.

How do you pronounce the 'g' in bologna?

What is your yes, yes, yes?