
My blogs

About me

Location Michigan, United States
Introduction I am a woman. I have spent many years supporting and campaigning for male candidates running for president. I never thought about gender discrimination over the myriad of issues out there, thanks to our "foremothers" who worked so hard for all the rights and protections we have today. But this election is the first time I have taken notice of the blatant and overt discrimination against women, which is being played out on national television, for the whole world to see. It is shameful. From the media happily declaring Hillary's demise after one primary, Hillary's opponent calling her "likeable enough", the media ignoring Hillary's successes and overplaying her opponent’s, to the offensive remarks made by the long list of male commentators on television (e.g., Chris Matthews). But when David Shuster claimed Hillary had "pimped out" her daughter Chelsea by having her work on the campaign, I had had enough. I am more convinced than ever that the only way to change the way women are perceived, after all the advances made by our foremothers, is to break the ultimate glass ceiling and elect a woman to the White House. Now more than ever…(continued under post, “Why Hillary?”)