M. Serrano

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Location Santa Barbara, Ca, United States
Interests waking up slow. social cures. good emotional climates. breakfast in bed. gravitational pulls. thickly layered emotions. close proximity. quality entertainment. perfect synchronicity. wit. good food. good company. good taste. good books. good impulses. verbal frenzies. the grit and glories of daily living. etiquette. wits-scrambling beautiful faces. the perfect room temperature. raw sweat and inspired dreams. snug anything. spontaneity. divine influences. endless embracing. glowing spheres of happiness. charisma and charm. penetrating laughter. splurging on anything. philosophy. experimentation. healthy levels of respect. picturesque everything. pertinent intelligence. letters. dynamic exposure. magnetic people. bookstores and coffee shops. perfect doses of solitude. the foundation of peace. the infinite erring bits of daily existence.