Jack Silveria

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Student
Location Barrington, RI, United States
Introduction My name is Jack Silveria. I am interested in becoming a college-level rower. I am a sophmore honor roll student at Barrington High School, where I live in Barrington, Rhode Island. When I started rowing, with my current club, East Bay Rowing, Inc, I instantly fell in love with the sport. The first time I went out on a boat was the summer leading up to 7th grade. I then completed 2 seasons of Novice, before quickly moving up to Varsity in the Fall of 2022. In the Spring of 2023, I was the stroke of our team's men’s boat, which made it to the semi-finals in the Northeast Championship Regatta. I am a member of the board on my club team, helping to give feedback on the juniors team, promote the team, and help bring a healthy competitive atmosphere. Additionally, I was elected by my fellow teammates for team captain. I am currently striving to better myself in both physical and mental aspects to further myself in the rowing world. On this website, you can find my erg times, Instagram, YouTube, and a contact form, to contact further.