My blogs

About me

Introduction A 50's something modestly deranged one-man operator in the hospitality industry with a penchant for sherry inspired scribblings on the unelected, elected, previously elected and should never have been elected, as seen through the prism of the take-away food industry, job centres......... All characters in my jottings are purely imaginary. Any resemblance to past and present servants of the people is purely coincidental. All ideas for new story lines gratefully accepted. I do this to vent my spleen at the incompetence of the political elite in Europe,their sycophantic bag carriers and the layers of mindless bureaucrats who pollute daily life. Just visit a public loo to see what I mean. All those stupid signs reminding us that hot water burns your hands. Is this what millions died for? So that some numpty in Westmister can spend his/her day reminding us that steps can trip you up!!!!!