red apple candleliz

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Female
Location Sungai Buloh Jeram, Selangor, Malaysia
Introduction my real name is NOR AZLIZZA BINTI ISMAIL..i'm 23..u all bole pngl hape haje yg korg suke jnji jgn mghine mngutuk haku owkeyy..olynn is my nick name since im still baby tau..kwn2 semua pngl haku olynn smpi diaorg xtau pon name sebenar haku..haish!i love red collor so much n i become one of fanatic of red..weeee~hurmm actly aku bru habes blaja n skrg aku keje semntre je till jmpe keje yg lebey bgus n lebey syape2 yg de info pasai keje kosong sila la info haku kay.. ;)
Interests love snowcap so much damn..any snowcap with assorted pampered, love hangout, love red color, and also love to sleep!pntg de mase free pasti i tdo!hurmm interesting with ADDRIE HISYAM only..the nelayan laut tuh..hahahha..coz im try to be loyal n no more other in my life..
Favorite Movies of couse funny..make me happy n smileeeeeeeeeee...
Favorite Music all type of music..except hard core music!!argghhhh so noisy..hate that!
Favorite Books fav book~